
Ecological Constraints Assessment on the Northern Beaches


Narla Ecologists have recently conducted an Ecological Constraints Assessment (ECA), also known as a Pre-construction Constraints Assessment, within the Northern Beaches Area in New South Wales. An ECA provides land owners with a detailed report outlining all the potential ecological and environmental constraints associated with their property. This report is then used in the planning process when purchasing a property or submitting a development application for property subdivision, dwelling alterations, demolition or construction. By conducting an ECA early in the planning process, our clients are able to save extensive amounts of time and money by helping them navigate around Environmental Legislation they might not have been previously aware of.

Mapping Bushfire Affected Stewardship Sites

Narla Ecologists recently used UAV hardware, and state of the art mapping software, to investigate the extent of damage caused by the 2019/2020 bushfires at a 400 ha Biodiversity Stewardship Site in the Garland Valley, NSW. This innovative technique enabled Narla’s Ecologists to rapidly assess impacts to biodiversity on a very large scale, which reduced the time on site to a matter of hours rather than days.

Using UAV technology to acquire real-time, high-resolution aerial imagery is proving to be an invaluable tool for the future management of this site.

The site is known to house the EPBC and BC listed endangered Persoonia hirsuta.