Long Reef Golf Club

Biodiversity Management Plan for the Griffith Park and Fisherman's Beach Stormwater Rationalisation Plan Stage 2 - Stormwater Holding Pond and Wetland

Narla Environmental Pty Ltd was engaged by Long Reef Golf Club to prepare a Biodiversity Management Plan to address the biodiversity management responsibilities associated with the proposed development of a new stormwater retention dam. In addition to providing expert ecological advice throughout the project, Narla were engaged to provide the following services:

  • Comprehensive list of all flora species found within the proposed works area and reference site

  • Compiled a list of suitable riparian and aquatic plants for the proposed wetland

  • Recording all habitat features within the subject site

  • Create a broad revegetation plan for the proposed wetland

  • Create a detailed strategy to collect and source seed/translocation stock

  • Wetland maintanance schedule

Once this Biodiversity Monitoring Plan has been enacted, it will act as the guiding document for the creation of a new wetland environment within Long Reef Golf Course that will provide important habitat for a suite of EPBC listed migratory shorebirds. The plan will also see the planting of locally indigenous species representative of the Themeda Grassland on Seacliffs and Coastal Headlands & Freshwater Wetlands on Coastal Floodplains endangered ecological communities.

Dam within the Long Reef Golf Club, New South Wales