Project Experience


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Central Coast Council

Rainforest Road Reserve and Barwon Road Reserve

Shoalhaven City Council

Shoalhaven Tourist Parks

Long Reef Golf Club

Griffith Park and Fisherman’s Beach


Western Sydney Airport (Bulk Earthworks)

Narla ecologist wearing hivis protective workwear inside of a dam carrying out a dam dewatering fauna capture procedure

CPB Contractors - Lendlease Joint Venture

Narla Environmental Pty Ltd was awarded the Ecological Services package for Western Sydney Airport (Bulk Earthworks) by CPB Contractors - Lendlease Joint Venture. In addition to providing expert ecological advice throughout the project, Narla were engaged to provide the following services to the project:

  • Pre-clearing Surveys

  • Large-scale Vegetation Mapping and Threatened Species Survey for Verification of Offsets & Part 13 Permit

  • Dam Dewatering & Aquatic Fauna Relocation

  • Threatened Flora and Fauna Survey and Translocation

  • Biosecurity Assessments (Phytopthora spp. & Myrtle Rust)

  • Environmental Impact Assessment for Consistency Assessments

  • Weed Spraying

  • Clearing Supervision & Fauna Relocation

Once constructed, Western Sydney Airport will be a world-class smart airport, built to service 10 million passengers a year from the day it opens in 2026. Read more on the WSA website by clicking here.

Snowy 2.0 (Exploratory Works)

Narla utility vehicle white toyota hilux in a frosty landscape with a creek running

Future Generation Joint Venture (Salini Impregilo - Clough - Lane Joint Venture)

Narla Environmental Pty Ltd was awarded the Ecological Services package for Snowy 2.0 (Exploratory Works) by Future Generation Joint Venture. In addition to providing expert ecological advice throughout the project, Narla were engaged to provide the following services to the project:

Once constructed, Snowy 2.0 will be a world leading pumped-hydro project that will underpin Australia's renewable energy future for generations to come. Read more on the Future Generation website by clicking here.

Snowy 2.0 (Segment Factory | Polo Flat)

Future Generation Joint Venture (Salini Impregilo - Clough - Lane Joint Venture)

Narla Environmental Pty Ltd was awarded the Ecological Services package for Snowy 2.0 (Segment Factory) by Future Generation Joint Venture. In addition to providing expert ecological advice throughout the project, Narla were engaged to provide the following services to the project:

Once constructed, Snowy 2.0's Segment Factory will produce 130,000 segments that make up the concrete rings that will line the 27km Snowy 2.0 tunnel. Read more on the Future Generation website by clicking here.

Frost covering a beautiful bush with pink and green colours peaking through

Princes Highway (Berry to Bomaderry)

two+narla+ecologists+wearing+hivis+workwear+and+safety+helmets+installing+nest+box+in+large+tree+using+ropes+and+ladders copy.jpeg

Downer - Seymour Whyte Joint Venture

Narla Environmental Pty Ltd was awarded the Ecological Services package for Princes Highway (Berry to Bomaderry) by Downer - Seymour Whyte Joint Venture. In addition to providing expert ecological advice throughout the project, Narla were engaged to provide the following services to the project:

  • Threatened Flora and Fauna Surveys

  • Large-scale Weed Mapping

  • Threatened Microbat Translocations

  • Large-scale Nest Box Supply, Installation and Monitoring

  • Clearing Supervision & Fauna Relocation

The Berry to Bomaderry upgrade will provide a four-lane divided highway (two lanes in each direction) with median separation for around 10.6 kilometres on the Princes Highway between Mullers Lane, Berry and Cambewarra Road, Bomaderry. Read more on the Roads and Maritime Services website by clicking here.

The Northern Road Upgrade (Stage 5)

Littlefields Road, Lunddenham to Glenmore Parkway, Glenmore Park

CPB Contractors

Narla Environmental Pty Ltd was awarded the Ecological Services package for The Northern Road Upgrade (Stage 5) by CPB Contractors. In addition to providing expert ecological advice throughout the project, Narla were engaged to provide the following services to the project:

Following construction of the 6km length of road upgrade, the project will see The Northern Road upgraded to a minimum four-lane divided road, and up to an eight-lane divided road with dedicated bus lanes. Read more on the Roads and Maritime Services website by clicking here.

Blue dam surrounded by grass and vegetation with blue sky reflecting off of the dam.jpg

The Northern Road Upgrade (Stage 6)

Eaton Road, Ludenham and Littlefields Road, Luddenham

CPB Contractors

Narla Environmental Pty Ltd was awarded the Ecological Services package for The Northern Road Upgrade (Stage 6 ) by CPB Contractors. In addition to providing expert ecological advice throughout the project, Narla were engaged to provide the following services to the project:

  • Pre-clearing Surveys

  • Threatened Flora and Fauna Surveys & Translocations

  • Large-scale Weed Mapping

  • Biosecurity Assessments (Phytopthora spp. & Myrtle Rust)

  • Dam Dewatering & Aquatic Fauna Relocation

  • Large-scale Nest Box Supply, Installation and Monitoring

  • Environmental Impact Assessment for Consistency Assessments

  • Clearing Supervision & Fauna Relocation

Following construction of the 4.5km length of road upgrade, the project will see The Northern Road upgraded to a minimum four-lane divided road, and up to an eight-lane divided road with dedicated bus lanes. Read more on the Roads and Maritime Services website by clicking here.

birds-eye-view down a hollow of a tree with eggs seen at the bottom

Collector Wind Farm

Hollow bearing tree cut into a nest box

CivilEx Victoria

Narla Environmental Pty Ltd was awarded the Ecological Services package for Collector Wind Farm by CivilEx Victoria. In addition to providing expert ecological advice throughout the project, Narla were engaged to provide the following services to the project:

  • Pre-clearing Surveys

  • Large-scale Weed Mapping

  • Clearing Supervision & Fauna Relocation

  • Hollow Salvage and Reinstallation

  • Once constructed, Collector Wind Farm will generate approximately 528GWh per year from its fifty-four wind turbines; enough to power 80,000 homes. Read more on the Collector Wind Farm website by clicking here.

Parramatta Light Rail (Stage 1)

Parramatta Connect (CPB Contractors - Downer Joint Venture)

Narla Environmental Pty Ltd was awarded the Ecological Services package for Parramatta Light Rail (Stage 1) by Parramatta Connect (CPB Contractors - Downer Joint Venture). In addition to providing expert ecological advice throughout the project, Narla were engaged to provide the following services to the project:

By 2026, around 28,000 people will use Parramatta Light Rail every day and an estimated 130,000 people will be living within walking distance of light rail stops. Read more on the Parramatta Light Rail website by clicking here.

Narla ecologist wearing hivis workwear and helmet conducting an environmental assessment for a rail development project

Bango Wind Farm

large logs and woody debris piled in a rocky outcrop in new south wales

Downer Group

Narla Environmental Pty Ltd was awarded the Ecological Services package for Bango Wind Farm by Downer Group. In addition to providing expert ecological advice throughout the project, Narla were engaged to provide the following services to the project:

Once constructed, Bango Wind Farm will comprise of 46 wind turbines with a geneating capacity of aproximately 240MW, whichy would generate enough energy for over 100,000 homes and would save over 600,000 tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions every year. Read more on the Bango Wind Farm website by clicking here.

Sydney Metro (Northwest)

Northwest Rapid Transit (CPB Contractors - John Holland Joint Venture)

Narla Environmental Pty Ltd was awarded the Ecological Services package for Sydney Metro (Northwest) by Northwest Rapid Transit (CPB Contractors - John Holland Joint Venture). In addition to providing expert ecological advice throughout the project, Narla were engaged to provide the following services to the project:

Opening in 2019, Australia’s first fully-accessible railway has carried almost 20 million customers on more than 105,000 services and the fleet of 22 driverless trains has travelled more than 3.8 million kilometres, or 93 times around the equator. Read more on the Sydney Metro website by clicking here.

Ecologist surveying for Epacris purpurascens var. purpurascens, a threatened plant in new south wales

Shoalhaven LGA Rehabilitation and Monitoring Plans

ocean landscape with blue water, a headland, rocks and trees in the foreground

Shoalhaven City Council

Narla Environmental Pty Ltd was engaged by Shoalhaven City Council to prepare rehabilitation and monitoring plans for 13 sites across the Shoalhaven Local Government Area (LGA). The rehabilitation monitoring plans covered an area of approximately 175ha of Bangalay Sand Forest, Coastal Saltmarsh, Littoral Rainforest, Swamp Oak Floodplain Forest, Swamp Sclerophyll Forest, Illawarra Subtropical Rainforest and Freshwater Wetland Endangered Ecological Communities. The rehabilitation and monitoring plans included:

  • Vegetation condition assessments to council guidelines across all sites

  • Comprehensive list of exotic vegetation with a focus on Priority weeds listed under the Biosecurity Act

  • Staged work programs for years 1, 2, and 3

  • Fine-scale endangered ecological community condition mapping of each site

The rehabilitation and monitoring plans will act as the guiding documents responsible for the restoration and rehabilitation of 175ha of endangered ecological communities across the Shoalhaven City Council LGA.

Rainforest Road Reserve and Barwon Road Reserve

Central Coast Council

Narla Environmental Pty Ltd was engaged by Central Coast Council to prepare site specific management plans for the Rainforest Road Reserve and Barwon Road Reserve. The site specific management plans included:

  • Fine scale vegetation mapping across both reserves

  • Identification of threatened ecological communities

  • Desktop analysis to determine the likelihood of threatened flora and fauna species to occur within each reserve

  • Targeted threatened flora surveys

  • Identification of threatened species habitat (i.e. hollows and caves)

  • Identification of management issues located within each reserve

  • Condition assessment of all vegetation within each reserve

Once enacted, these management plans will provide the necessary information to protect and enhance the biodiversity and conservation values of Central Coast Council’s high value assets.

Large tree assessed under an Environmental Management Plan in New South Wales

Shoalhaven Tourist Parks


Shoalhaven City Council

Narla Environmental Pty Ltd was engaged by Shoalhaven City Council to prepare a 5-year Bush Regeneration Program for 11 Holiday Haven Tourist Parks located across the Shoalhaven Local Government Area (LGA). The Bush Regeneration Programs included:

  • Fine-scale bushland condition mapping of each of the 11 sites

  • Comprehensive native flora list

  • Comprehensive list of exotic vegetation, focus on Priority weeds listed under the Biosecurity Act

  • On-ground strategies for bush regeneration works

  • Staged work programs for years 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5

  • Indicative costs for each stage at each site

  • An assessment of vegetation inside the boundaries of each of the 11 tourist parks for environmental weed species including advice for removal and alternative species

Once these Bush Regeneration Programs have been enacted they will act as the guiding documents responsible for the restoration and rehabilitation of hundreds of hectares of coastal bushland across the Shoalhaven City Council Area.

Long Reef Golf Club

Biodiversity Management Plan for the Griffith Park and Fisherman's Beach Stormwater Rationalisation Plan Stage 2 - Stormwater Holding Pond and Wetland

Narla Environmental Pty Ltd was engaged by Long Reef Golf Club to prepare a Biodiversity Management Plan to address the biodiversity management responsibilities associated with the proposed development of a new stormwater retention dam. In addition to providing expert ecological advice throughout the project, Narla were engaged to provide the following services:

  • Comprehensive list of all flora species found within the proposed works area and reference site

  • Compiled a list of suitable riparian and aquatic plants for the proposed wetland

  • Recording all habitat features within the subject site

  • Create a broad revegetation plan for the proposed wetland

  • Create a detailed strategy to collect and source seed/translocation stock

  • Wetland maintanance schedule

Once this Biodiversity Monitoring Plan has been enacted, it will act as the guiding document for the creation of a new wetland environment within Long Reef Golf Course that will provide important habitat for a suite of EPBC listed migratory shorebirds. The plan will also see the planting of locally indigenous species representative of the Themeda Grassland on Seacliffs and Coastal Headlands & Freshwater Wetlands on Coastal Floodplains endangered ecological communities.

Dam within the Long Reef Golf Club, New South Wales

Soil Conservation Service

Review of Environmental Factors

Over the past 18-months, Narla Environmental Pty Ltd have prepared a suite of Review of Environmental Factors (REF) Reports for 17 Fire Trails across NSW for the Soil Conservation Service in accordance with Part 5 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979. Impact assessments were for the upgrade and on-going maintenance of Fire Trails to ensure that each fire trail conforms to the NSW RFS Fire Trail Standards.

The Review of Environmental Factors Reports included undertaking:

  • Targeted surveys for threatened flora species

  • Targeted habitat surveys for threatened fauna species

  • Vegetation mapping surrounding each of the 17 Fire Trails

  • Assessment of the impact of the proposed activities on the physical, chemical, biological, community, natural resource, Aboriginal cultural heritage values within each Fire Trail

  • Threatened species assessment of significance (5 part test)

The entrance to the cascades track fire trail with gate and vegetation surrounding

Sydney Water

Ecologist installing a monitoring fauna camera on tree to conduct a biodiversity assessment report

Biodiversity Assessment Reports

Narla Environmental Pty Ltd was engaged by Sydney Water to prepare Biodiversity Assessment Reports (BARs) for 8 Sydney Water Asset Sites located across the Sydney Metropolitan Area. The BARs were prepared as part of a review of the Property Environmental Management Plans (PEMP) for its environmentally sensitive sites in order to prioritise natural areas and other restoration works as well as habitat enhancement at some sites. The BARs document detailed assessment of the current condition of all biodiversity values within the Subject Sites. They also provide recommendations to be included within site-specific PEMP to prevent and/or minimise the impacts of Sydney Water’s grounds maintenance activities, non-routine, reactive, and emergency works on sensitive flora and fauna.

The Biodiversity Assessment Reports included undertaking:

  • Targeted surveys for threatened flora and fauna species

  • Biodiversity Assessment Method (BAM) Vegetation Integrity Survey (VIS) plots

  • Fine-scale vegetation mapping of each of the 8 sites

  • Fine-scale weed mapping of each of the 8 sites

  • Comprehensive list of exotic vegetation with a focus on priority weeds listed under the Biosecurity Act

  • Detailed constraints and management recommendations of biodiversity issues within each of the sites

JohnStaff Projects c/- NSW Health Infrastructure

Liverpool Hospital Health and Academic Precinct

Narla Environmental Pty Ltd was engaged by JohnStaff Projects Pty Ltd on behalf of NSW Health Infrastructure to prepare a Biodiversity Development Assessment Report (BDAR) for the Liverpool Hospital Redevelopment at the Liverpool Health and Academic Precinct. The Liverpool Hospital redevelopment was a State Significant Development (SSD) and was assessed under Part 4, Division 4.1 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.

The Biodiversity Development Assessment Report included undertaking:

  • Assessment under the Biodiversity Offsets Scheme (BOS)

  • Ecological Assessment in accordance with the Biodiversity Assessment Method (BAM)

  • Plant Community Type (PCT) identification within the Subject Land

  • Implementation of the Avoid and Minimise Strategy

  • Identification of Biodiversity Offset Credit Requirements (where necessary)

Sign of Liverpool Hospital, NSW, with large tree behind it

Canterbury Bankstown Council


Narla Environmental has prepared numerous reports for Canterbury Bankstown Council in accordance with Part 5 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979. This included:

  • Priority Weed Mapping

  • Review of Environmental Factors:

    • Environmental fieldwork followed by vigorous literature and legislature review. This information is utilised to summarise all potential impacts of a proposed development including physical and chemical impacts, biological impacts, impacts to the community, natural resources, Aboriginal and other cultural heritage impacts, etc.

    • This report also includes necessary threatened species assessment of significance (5 part test).

City of Ryde Council

Narla Environmental has prepared numerous reports for the City of Ryde Council in accordance with Part 5 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979. This included:

  • Ecological Constraints Assessments:

    • Fieldwork (involving threatened species targeted surveys, habitat surveys, vegetation mapping and analysis of the existing environment) is combined with literature research and local environmental knowledge to assess the ecological constraints of an area.

  • Review of Environmental Factors:

    • Environmental fieldwork followed by vigorous literature and legislature review. This information is utilised to summarise all potential impacts of a proposed development including physical and chemical impacts, biological impacts, impacts to the community, natural resources, Aboriginal and other cultural heritage impacts, etc.

    • This report also includes necessary threatened species assessment of significance (5 part test).

Bino View.jpg

Fairfield City Council


Narla Environmental has prepared numerous reports for Fairfield Council in accordance with Part 5 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979. This included:

  • Targeted threatened species surveys

  • Flora and Fauna Assessments:

    • Fieldwork (involving threatened species targeted surveys, habitat surveys, vegetation mapping and analysis of the existing environment) is combined with literature research and local environmental knowledge to assess potential ecological impacts from a proposed activity.

    • This has also included marine or estuary ecology impact assessments.

  • Review of Environmental Factors:

    • Environmental fieldwork followed by vigorous literature and legislature review. This information is utilised to summarise all potential impacts of a proposed development including physical and chemical impacts, biological impacts, impacts to the community, natural resources, Aboriginal and other cultural heritage impacts, etc.

    • This report also includes necessary threatened species assessment of significance (5 part test).

Parramatta Council

Narla Environmental has prepared numerous reports and conducted project ecologist services for Parramatta Council in accordance with Part 5 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979. This included:

  • Nest box monitoring

  • Vegetation monitoring and mapping of native species richness and weed densities within Parramatta Council bushland reserves

  • Ecological Constraints Assessments:

    • Fieldwork (involving threatened species targeted surveys, habitat surveys, vegetation mapping and analysis of the existing environment) is combined with literature research and local environmental knowledge to assess the ecological constraints of an area.

  • Review of Environmental Factors:

    • Environmental fieldwork followed by vigorous literature and legislature review. This information is utilised to summarise all potential impacts of a proposed development including physical and chemical impacts, biological impacts, impacts to the community, natural resources, Aboriginal and other cultural heritage impacts, etc.

    • This report also includes necessary threatened species assessment of significance (5 part test).

Nest  box hanging in tree

Schools Infrastructure NSW


Narla Environmental has prepared numerous reports and ecological services for Schools Infrastructure NSW. This included:


Narla Environmental Pty Ltd undertook a comprehensive biodiversity assessment of a property in Jamberoo, NSW to establish a Biodiversity Stewardship Agreement. In addition to providing expert ecological advice throughout the project, Narla were engaged to provide the following services:

  • Targeted surveys for threatened flora and fauna

  • Large-scale native vegetation and weed mapping

  • Condition scoring of the vegetation

  • Biodiversity credit calculations

  • Biodiversity Stewardship Site Assessment Report

  • Biodiversity Stewardship Site Management Plan

  • Total Fund Deposit Calculations

Once accepted, this Biodiversity Stewardship Site will provide permanent protection and management of almost 30 hectares of Subtropical Rainforest and Blue Gum Wet Forest along the Illawarra Escarpment of NSW. It will also protect several Threatened species including Illawarra Socketwood, Scrub Turpentine, Little Bent-winged Bat and Large Bent-winged Bat. The Biodiveristy Credits that can be generated by conserving this land will cover all ongoing management costs with the potential to provide additional income for the landowner.

Yellow and Brown Frog sitting on the ground among leaves and leaf litter

Garland Valley

Syndication Property Group

Narla Environmental Pty Ltd was engaged by Syndication Property Group to undertake a comprehensive biodiversity assessment of a property in the Garland Valley to enable the establishment of a Biodiversity Stewardship Agreement. In addition to providing expert ecological advice throughout the project, Narla were engaged to provide the following services:

Once accepted, this Biodiversity Stewardship Site will provide permanent protection and management of almost 360 hectares of Sydney Hinterland Forest and Riverflat Eucalypt Forest in the Hunter Region of NSW. It will also protect several Threatened species including Gang-gang Cockatoos, Powerful Owls and Barking Owls. The Biodiveristy Credits that can be generated by conserving this land will cover all ongoing management costs and provide additional income for the landowner.

green forest landscape with bracken fern and trees


Landscape view in Cobbitty, NSW with grass, trees and clouds in the sky

Narla Environmental Pty Ltd undertook a comprehensive biodiversity assessment of a property in Cobbitty, NSW to enable the establishment of a Biodiversity Stewardship Agreement. In addition to providing expert ecological advice throughout the project, Narla were engaged to provide the following services:

  • Targeted surveys for threatened flora and fauna

  • Large-scale native vegetation and weed mapping

  • Condition scoring of the vegetation

  • Biodiversity credit calculations

  • Biodiversity Stewardship Site Assessment Report

  • Biodiversity Stewardship Site Management Plan

  • Total Fund Deposit Calculations

Once accepted, this Biodiversity Stewardship Site will provide permanent protection and management of almost 7 hectares of critically endangered Cumberland Plain Woodland in Western Sydney. The Biodiveristy Credits that can be generated by conserving this land will cover all ongoing management costs with the potential to provide additional income for the landowner.

Bawley Point

Narla Environmental Pty Ltd undertook a comprehensive biodiversity assessment of a property in Bawley Point to enable the establishment of a Biodiversity Stewardship Agreement. In addition to providing expert ecological advice throughout the project, Narla were engaged to provide the following services:

  • Targeted surveys for threatened flora and fauna

  • Native vegetation and weed mapping

  • Condition scoring of the vegetation

  • Biodiversity credit calculations

  • Biodiversity Stewardship Site Assessment Report

  • Biodiversity Stewardship Site Management Plan

  • Total Fund Deposit Calculations

Once accepted, this Biodiversity Stewardship Site will provide permanent protection and management of approximately 50 hectares of Swamp Oak Floodplain Forest, Swamp Sclerophyll Forest and Wet Sclerophyll forest along NSW’'s South Coast. It will also protect several threatened species including Green and Golden Bell Frogs, Southern Myotis and Maundia triglochinoide. The Biodiveristy Credits that can be generated by conserving this land will cover all ongoing management costs with the potential to provide additional income for the landowner.

Green and golden bell frog, or Litoria aurea, a threatened species in NSW, sitting on the ground