Central Coast Environmental Consultants
Are you looking for an environmental consultant or ecologist in the Central Coast Local Government Area?
Narla Environmental is a highly experienced environmental consultancy servicing the south-eastern coast of NSW, namely the Central Coast Local Government Area (LGA). We have experience working for Central Coast Council directly and have maintained the knowledge and expertise to deliver superior environmental reports, assessments and advice for urban development approvals.
The Central Coast is home to a unique environment due to the major estuarine systems, abundant vegetation cover and coastal location. As such, the Central Coast Council has substantial environmental protection measures for developments.
Central Coast Flora and Fauna Guidelines 2019
Following the introduction of the Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016, Central Coast Council produced the Flora and Fauna Guidelines (2019) to guide development applications through various biodiversity assessment methods.
Overarching Legislation
Commonwealth - The Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act) details actions that require approval from the Minister if the action has (or is likely to have) a significant impact on a Matter of National Environmental Significance, including:
Nationally listed threatened species;
Nationally listed threatened ecological communities; and
Migratory species.
New South Wales - The Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016 (BC Act) and the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (EP&A Act).
The BC Act provides a scientific method for assessing development impacts on biodiversity and provides a framework to avoid, minimise and offset said impacts. The BC Act is the leading legislation for environmental / ecological / biodiversity assessments.
The EP&A Act provides a legislative framework for Local Environmental Plans (LEPs), Development Control Plans (DCPs) and State Environmental Planning Policies (SEPPs). This includes the system of lodging, processing and approving Development Applications.
Central Coast - The entire Central Coast LGA does not yet have an encompassing LEP or DCP, and as such, the Wyong and Gosford LEPs and DCPs must be consulted. These documents contain legal provisions to protect locally significant native vegetation communities, rare species of flora and fauna, and other sensitive environmental features including vegetation constraint areas, ecological buffer areas, riparian lands and watercourses, steep slopes, environmentally sensitive land and development excluded land. Your relevant LEP or DCP may require an environmental / ecological / biodiversity assessment to accompany your proposed Development Application.
Fisheries Management Act 1994 - This act outlines measures to conserve, develop and share the fishery resources for the benefit of present and future generations. Any actions in a Development Application that have the potential to harm important fish habitat will require the approval of the NSW Department of Primary Industries.
Rural Fires Act 1997 - This act provides regulatory information to prevent, mitigate and suppress bush fire hazards. If your property is located within Bushfire Prone Land, your development may require an Asset Protection Zone (APZ) which may impact native vegetation. APZ impacts may trigger an environmental / ecological / biodiversity assessment.
State Environmental Planning Policy (Coastal Management) 2018 - This SEPP aims to protect significant wetlands, coastal areas and littoral rainforests from development impacts. Impacts to affected areas may trigger an environmental or biodiversity assessment.
State Environmental Planning Policy (Koala Habitat Protection) 2021 - This Policy aims to encourage the conservation and management of areas of natural vegetation that provide habitat for koalas to support a permanent free-living population over their present range and reverse the current trend of koala population decline. This SEPP applies to LGAs that are listed in Schedule 1 ‘Local Government Areas’ of the SEPP. As the Central Coast LGA is listed in Schedule 1, the Koala Habitat Protection SEPP 2021 applies to potential development applications and may require a suitably qualified environmental consultant to prepare a report.
Ecological Assessment Process
Various factors play into the type of environmental / ecological / biodiversity assessment your Development Application may require.
Development Applications involving the indirect or direct modification of native vegetation (including single tree removal, underscrubbing and vegetation clearing) will require one of two reports:
Biodiversity Development Assessment Report (BDAR) - this report is required when the development proposal triggers the Biodiversity Offset Scheme (BOS). This occurs in one of three ways:
If your development is identified on the Biodiversity Values Map, or
If your development proposes the clearing or management of native vegetation that exceeds the area clearing threshold set out by the Biodiversity Conservation Regulation 2017, or
If a 5-part test of significance concludes that the proposed development is likely to significantly affect a threatened species or ecological community.
Flora and Fauna Assessment (FFA) - this report will be prepared if your proposed development does not trigger the BOS. This report will include any required 5-part Test (Assessment of Significance).
Reference: Central Coast Council (2019) Flora and Fauna Guidelines
The FFA will also include any necessary assessments for Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 listed threatened species or ecological communities.
A Biodiversity Development Assessment Report (BDAR) can only be prepared by an assessor accredited by the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment. Narla Environmental have a number of accredited assessors who can prepare the required BDAR or FFA to suit your Development Application.
Other Environmental Assessments and reports
Dam Dewatering - native aquatic fauna are protected under the Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016. If your proposed development requires the dewatering, filling or removing of a dam, an Ecologist such as Narla Environmental must be present for the works to safely capture and relocate native fauna. Council may also require a Dam Dewatering Plan, which may be submitted with the development application to streamline the process.
Wildlife Management Plan (WMP) - this plan is required when hollow-bearing trees and/or other important wildlife habitat features are proposed for removal. It must be prepared by a suitably qualified environmental consultant such as Narla Environmental. This plan:
Identifies fauna likely to inhabit the site and provide management actions to mitigate the risk of harm to native fauna;
Demarcates habitat trees on site and provides a map of habitat trees;
Demarcates other habitat features for retention/salvage and specifies where salvaged materials are to be placed;
Provides schedules and protocols for vegetation clearing works, including separate protocols for non-habitat vegetation and habitat trees;
Identifies nearby release areas for rescued fauna as well as nearby veterinary practices;
Details a nest box replacement or hollow relocation strategy; and
Details a monitoring program for installed nest boxes and/or salvaged and relocated hollows
Vegetation Management Plan (VMP) - this plan guides the retention, rehabilitation or protection of native vegetation and may be required by Central Coast Council for proposed developments that indirectly or directly impact native vegetation. A VMP is also required when the proposed development impacts on riparian land, or is located on a watercourse, under the Water Management Act 2000. This plan must be prepared by a suitably qualified environmental consultant such as Narla Environmental.
Not quite at the da stage but want to know more about the feasibility of your property on the Central Coast for a DEVELOPMENT?
If you are thinking of purchasing a property on the Central Coast or submitting a Development Application in the Central Coast LGA, we highly recommend an Ecological or Environmental Constraints Report, also known as a pre-construction constraints assessment. This low-cost report can save you time and money down the track by allowing you to most appropriately design your development to best avoid difficult environmental constraints. This report will highlight any threatened ecological communities, threatened flora, and threatened fauna species that may be present on the property, as well as addressing any potential triggers into the Biodiversity Offset Scheme.
Narla Environmental’s Ecological Constraints Assessment address all of the relevant Central Coast environmental constraints you may encounter during the DA stage. Commissioning this report will maximise your development potential while ensuring you maintain a strong chance of DA approval with Central Coast Council.
Contact Narla for More Information