project ecologist
aquatic ecology & dam de-watering
What is Dam De-watering?
Dam and Creek De-watering is the environmentally-friendly and legal process of draining a water body. This involves the use of pumps or heavy machinery to break a dam wall while ecologists safely capture and relocate all native fauna present within.
Narla Environmental is one of the few consultancies in New South Wales, Australia with expertise in providing Environmental Supervision for the removal and de-watering of farm dams, ponds, lakes and other water bodies.
What laws are involved?
Did you know that by simply breaking a dam wall, pumping-out, or releasing water from a dam into the environment, you may be breaking the law? Without knowing it, you may be releasing contaminated water, weeds or pest species into the environment and could be exposing yourself and your company to a significant fines or prosecution.
In New South Wales, undertaking the de-watering of a dam without seeking approval may incur fines under the Fisheries Management Act 1991, Water Management Act 2000 and the Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997.
Narla Environmental are a consultancy with extensive experience helping clients de-water dams for large projects across Sydney and the remainder of regional New South Wales, without fear of fines or repercussion. Our staff are fully licensed to supervise the de-watering of dams and are highly experienced. We also have an extremely high regard for health, safety, and environmental standards.
We can help you with:
The dam de-watering process
Producing a dam de-watering management plan
Assessing the ecological constraints and impacts around dams
Assessing the potential for impact upon Green and Golden Bell Frogs or other threatened species around dams
Mitigating any potential impacts from your dam de-watering process
Narla take pride in providing the outcomes our clients need without unnecessary additional costs. We help your development strike the balance between environmental sustainability and progress in order to meet the requirements and obligations of the relevant regulatory authority, whether it is a Local Council, the NSW Department of Planning, the Commonwealth Government, or anyone in between.
Workplace Health and Safety
Workplace health and safety is especially important for each and every employee at Narla Environmental. Project Ecologist services are always accompanied by a Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS), ensuring occupational health and safety is maintained throughout.
Our team is well-trained and fully certified in the following: First Aid, Chainsaw, EWP, Working at Heights, White Cards, RIW cards, 4WD, BAM accreditation. With Mine-Spec Vehicles, we are ready for any job.
We service the whole of New South Wales, including Greater Sydney, Western Sydney, Central Coast, Newcastle, Blue Mountains, Hunter Valley, Wollongong and Illawarra, Southern Highlands, Eurobodalla, Shoalhaven, Port Macquarie, North Coast, Central West and the rest of regional New South Wales.