Biodiversity Development Assessment Report for Large Site in Western Sydney

Narla Ecologists recently conducted a Biodiversity Development Assessment Report (BDAR) at a very large site (over 200ha) in Western Sydney. The dominant vegetation community was Cumberland Plain Woodland, which is listed as Critically Endangered under both the BC Act 2016 and EPBC Act 1999. To aid in mapping the various condition classes of the vegetation on this enormous site, our Ecologists used a combination of ground-truthing with high resolution aerial imagery collected systematically from just above the tree canopy using a UAV/drone. The images were stitched together using image analysis software to produce a very detailed picture of the vegetation, allowing our Ecologists to accurately map the various condition classes that existed on the site.

Our Ecologists are always pursuing innovative approaches to ecological assessments that maximise our efficiency whilst maintaining very high quality.

To learn more about our BDAR assessment methods, click here.