Critically Endangered ‘Scrub Turpentine’ population identified near Nowra

Narla Ecologists recently identified a large population of Rhodamnia rubescens (Scrub Turpentine) during the vegetation mapping phase for the establishment of a Biodiversity Stewardship Site near Nowra, NSW. Under the NSW Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016, Rhodamnia rubescens is listed as Critically Endangered; primarily due to a decline in health plus the loss of mature plants and a lack of seed-based recruitment due to infection by Austropuccinia psidii (Myrtle Rust).

Part of the site had been burnt during the 2019/2020 bushfires so it was amazing to see so many regenerating R. rubescens specimens. Unfortunately the individuals identified showed signs of Myrtle Rust, however Narla has engaged in conversations with the BCT to develop management actions and strategies to potentially save this population.