biodiversity stewardship sites
What is a biodiversity stewardship site?
Enter into a Biodiversity Stewardship Agreement (BSA) to protect and manage your land, whilst making a potential profit!
This agreement enables the landholder to conserve native vegetation and threatened species across all (or part) of their property in exchange for credits (sometimes referred to as Biodiversity Offset Credits), which have a monetary value. The sale of these credits provides both funding for the landholder to manage the Biodiversity Stewardship Site (BSS) for 20 years (perpetuity), as well as a source of income. After 20 years, you can reapply for a BSA and possibly receive more credits.
The total number of credits you generate on your property are the summation of ‘ecosystem credits’ (derived from vegetation communities) and ‘species credits’ (derived from threatened plant and animal species). Once you have entered into a BSA, you will be able to sell your credits on the open market.
Narla provides the full scope of services necessary for registering your property as a BSS and selling your credits. These include:
· Feasibility assessment of your property
· Vegetation mapping to distinct Plant Community Types (PCTs)
· Vegetation Integrity Survey (VIS) plots (to generate ecosystem credits)
· Targeted surveys for threatened animals and plants (species credits)
- Bird, mammal, frog and bat sound recording
- Remote camera trapping
- Elliott and cage trapping
- Spotlighting
- Active searches for plants and cryptic animals
· Preparation of Biodiversity Stewardship Site Assessment Report
· Preparation of the 20 year Management Plan
· Calculation of the Total Fund Deposit
· Registering your property under a Biodiversity Stewardship Agreement
· Listing your credits on the open market
· Brokering the sale of your credits
Narla is helping clients to create Biodiversity Stewardship Sites across NSW, where we work on projects of all sizes from the small (under 15 hectares) to the very large (over 1,000 hectares). We employ ecologists that are highly experienced at mapping any type of vegetation community and targeted surveys of any threatened animals or plants.
some of our biodiversity stewardship sites
Some of the species found
We service the whole of New South Wales, including Greater Sydney, Western Sydney, Central Coast, Newcastle, Blue Mountains, Hunter Valley, Wollongong and Illawarra, Southern Highlands, Eurobodalla, Shoalhaven, Port Macquarie, North Coast, Central West and the rest of regional New South Wales.